
Ιπποτικός Ακόλουθος

DeMolay Order
Μέλος DeMolay

Ιππότης Demolay

Aπόφοιτος DeMolay

The Degree of Chevalier is the highest honor that an Active DeMolay can receive. This honor also may be granted to a Senior DeMolay. The Degree is a citation for outstanding and marked DeMolay Activity and labor.

A Chevalier’s Obligation

“In the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses here assembled, do solemnly promise, covenant, and vow that I will, from this time forward, militantly and with the deepest devotion, serve the Order of DeMolay and the truths it teaches.
I do now, and hereon, renew and rededicate myself to all of the vows I have heretofore taken in the Order of DeMolay.
I furthermore promise and vow perpetual loyalty and service to my country in every field of endeavor and that I will always be an active opponent of sedition, anarchy, or any cause that would betray my country’s greatest good.
I furthermore promise and vow that I will wage constant warfare against ignorance, superstition, and the forces of evil that would enslave or debauch childhood.
I furthermore promise and vow that I will ever strive to serve God.
I furthermore promise and vow that I will, each day hereafter, strive to be a better man than I have ever been before.
I furthermore and most solemnly promise and vow that hereafter on November 8th of each year, as a memorial to our founder, Frank Sherman Land, I will hold communion with a fellow Chevalier or Court of Chevaliers, wherever I may be, and should this be impossible, I will break bread with an Active DeMolay or a young man in his teens.

So Help Me God.”